What is in the AfterLife Portal?

Preparing for Your AfterLife

Death is an unavoidable part of life and can come at any time. That’s why it’s important to be prepared for death by making sure all your affairs are in order. 

This will ensure that your final wishes will be respected and that your loved ones will not have to struggle when you pass away.

Having access to all important documents and account details will make it easier for your family to carry out your will but when they’re grieving your loss, going through all the motions of closing an estate is just pressure they don’t need. 

To ensure that all of this is organised and documented properly, you can create a Will Kit that outlines everything in detail. We’ve gone one step further and created AfterLife accounts so you can leave final wishes, letters, documents, favourite photos and music complementary to your Will. These extras are easy to update as life changes. 


Making Things Clear

It is also important for a last will and testament to be clear and understandable so that the instructions of the deceased will be handled properly. This will help make sure that the final wishes of a deceased loved one will be respected and honoured.

Death is not something to be feared, but rather embraced as part of life’s cycle. Being prepared for death will ensure that your final wishes will be known and respected by those who remain after you have passed away honoured.

Planning for Your Death

Planning ahead will help make it easier for your family, friends and loved ones to accept your passing and will also ensure that you can rest in peace knowing that all of your affairs will be handled properly. By being prepared, you will have the assurance that everything will go according to plan after your death. Taking the time to organise important documents will be invaluable to those you will leave behind.

Facing death will never be easy, but it will be much easier when you know that your final wishes will be respected and honoured.

Take the time today to make sure all of your affairs are in order and that your loved ones will be taken care of after you pass away.

AfterLife App for the Life After Life

This is where the AfterLife App comes in. The AfterLife App will help you prepare and organise all of your memories, important information and final wishes all in one place and it’s the perfect place to store your Will too. 
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